On December 4th I had the AWESOME opportunity to sing the National Anthem at the Steelers vs. Giants game!! To sing in front of 72,000 screaming Steelers fans is something so amazing it's almost too difficult to put into words!!
I was standing on the 50 yard line waiting for the players to be announced, and I was SO "pumped up", because as the players were being announced and running onto the field, I was cheering them on and then they were coming up and "fist bumping" ME!
I then sang the Anthem immediately after, and the entire stadium got very quiet. As I ended my performance with a high note on "and the home of the brave," the audience erupted in cheers!
To top off an amazing day, the Steelers won AND I got to spend time with my family who joined me for the game!
Thanks so much and all the best to you for a wonderful holiday season!